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Chào mừng đến với Gitlab Source Control Management 👋
🐷 My name is Lâm Nhật Tiến -
🔭 I’m currently in a DevSecOps role at Sacombank -
🌱 I’m currently learning and researching more about DevSecOps skills to become DevSecOps professional -
📫 How to reach me: -
💬 As a DevSecOps cùi bắp, I am knowledgeable in:- Jenkins (My Jenkins)
- Artifactory (Jfrog, Nexus, Harbor) (My Nexus)
- Gitlab (My GitLab)
- Kubernetes, OpenShift (My EKS)
- Mornitoring Grafana (My Grafana)
- Linux
- Windows
- Bash Shell
- Docker
- Databases (MSSQL, OracleDB)
- Web Servers (Tomcat, JBoss-WildFly, WebLogic, WebSphere, IIS)
- Apache Web - Nginx Server Proxy
- Terraform, Ansible
- Coverity
- BlackDuck
- SonarQube (My SonarQube)
- AquaSec
- Zaproxy
- ELK (My Logging)
You can check out my personal blog and my steam.